The news realized from the standard revealed that there were 10 security officials were caught by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) after suspecting them of assisting the poachers in the Tsavo Conservation Area. Among these suspects were the acting senior warden, the company commander, five platoon commanders and three rangers.
According to the sources, these people have been working with the poachers through providing them with information that they needed to get the animals as well as avoid being caught and this has made it very difficult for KWS to effectively deal with the poaching menace so said Julius Kimani the TCA Senior Assistant Director.
He added that such dishonest officials are not only wrecking KWS from within, but also undermining wildlife conservation efforts.
They will be reporting to their duty stations twice monthly and once they are caught in any criminal activity, they will be sacked from their jobs and prosecuted so he said and they will follow the recently sacked three security personnel who were engaged in illegal hunting.