Sam Gitau who is Nakuru County executive for trade and tourism has argued the Kenya Wildlife Service to let the county government take over the management of Lake Nakuru National park because according to him, KWS has totally failed to manage the national park. He said so while talking to the press in Nakuru town and added that the park is a county asset that should be protected and managed by the county government so that they can generate more revenue.
He accused KWS for only minding about collecting money from the park without proper management and maintenance. In his own words he said, “KWS has only been collecting money from this park yet cases of poaching are always reported every now and then”.
Gitau said that there are other counties that are managing their national resources but Nakuru should be given the opportunity to manage its own resources because Nakuru has got what it takes to manage the park and any other natural resource in the county.
And that is the only way devolution can work. He also blames KWS for failing to deal with cases of human-wildlife conflict that are so rampant in the park and affecting the people that re living around the park.