Uganda will celebrate its national Big Birding Day next weekend and the celebrations will be apart of the weekend to be spent bird watching across the entire Uganda. This year, the Big Birding Day will be organized as a three day event which will be on 18th and 19th of October 2013 and after the results are in and reconciled, it will be followed with a Birding Festival which will be on the 26th of October.
Birding event will include activities like guided nature walks in the different conservation around Uganda with the help of expert ornithologists or bird guides from Nature Uganda members for a bird watching competition. The competition will be among groups of at least two 2 members who are experienced bird watchers so that they can confirm the species identification. Participants will be required to record all the birds that they have seen or heard calling within the sites.
This competition is intended to help update the list of bird species that are common in Uganda and in the long run promote tourism in Uganda since in recent years Uganda has managed to establish herself as one of the world’s greatest bird watching destinations with places like the Queen Elizabeth National Park where you can find over 600 birds.
The launch of the Big Birding Day will be at the Uganda Museum on 18th October at 4:30 pm, then the next day on Saturday 19th of October:, it will Birding Day in all parts of the country starting from midnight to midnight and on Sunday 26th of October, it will be the Big Birding Day Festival to be held at Ndere Cultural Center starting at 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. So come one, come all and enjoy the day.
There are free park entrances to the national parks and other protected areas for all the registered participants, courtesy of the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Meanwhile, Nature Uganda and the Uganda Wildlife Authority and all the supporters who have generously sponsored this event again are highly appreciated for their effort towards ensuring the success of this event and raising Uganda’s tourism standards.